A common trait among leading companies is that the customer is at the heart of their strategy. multiple successful companies that are performing exceptionally well are also offering a superior customer experience. this leads to a strong belief that customer experience plays a critical role in generating sustained value for businesses. to understand the influence of customer experience on financial metrics and qualify how it creates intrinsic and sustained value for a company, KPMG in India, in collaboration with EQUiTOR, undertook a detailed study that included a consumer survey. some of the key findings are –
CX plays a critical role in generating sustained value for businesses
CX is a differentiator for acquiring and retaining customers and building loyalty
organisational orchestration is a must for superior customer experience – connected enterprises that align their front, middle and back offices create business value and drive sustainable growth.
CX is universally relevant across all industries, both B2C and B2B, – the CX expectations of B2B buyers are largely influenced by their experience in the B2C environment.
Source – KPMG
Author: admin